Well, another Christmas has come and gone in a hurry. It seems that, as a family, we can't seem to make it through important events without someone getting sick. This year, my step-son, Jake, got a 24 hour stomach bug late on Christmas Eve. He managed to open his gifts Christmas morning but spent most of the day in the bed. He ended up staying at his sister's house so I hate that we didn't get to spend the day with him. He heads back to Arizona today so I am praying for a safe flight with no sickness. Just thinking about the possibility of him getting sick during a flight makes me thankful for the option of "barf bags" as opposed to an airplane toilet!!
Other than that, our Christmas was wonderful! It's always nice to spend time with the family. Each year, I try to do a better job of remembering the real reason we celebrate so that I can, in turn, do a better job of reminding my kids. I want so badly for them to understand that it isn't about the number or size of gifts they receive but about the ultimate Gift given when Jesus was born. I know they understand this, but I want them to understand it more and more as they grow so that their faith can grow more as well. Lord, I am so thankful for your never-ending love!
I can not believe that another year has come and gone! It really seems like just last week that I was gearing up for 2010! Now, here I am gearing up for 2011. I wish I was better at savoring every moment instead of stressing about how quickly it is flying by. I try to soak it up, but I'm just not as good at it as I would like. Hopefully this blog will serve as a way for me to journal about what's on my mind as it relates to my day to day life. If nothing else, I hope it becomes a place where I can look back on my thoughts, hopes, desires, prayers and stories and know, with out a doubt, again and again, that my God has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination. I am such a "black and white" kind of person, that seeing something on paper (or screen in this case) gives me something tangible to observe and therefore grasp. The older I get the more I can't remember so I hope that this blog and my entries will help me remember the emotions I feel as I carry on as a wife and mom.
James' grandma, Nannie, as she was so affectionately known as, passed away almost a year ago. During a visit to Houston this summer, James' mom had set aside a box of Nannie's belongings that she thought the grand kids might be interested in looking at and taking as a keepsake. As I looked through the box, I noticed a notebook. It was a prayer journal that Nannie had kept over the years. She had consistently written down her requests with a date, which, in and of itself was just cool. But, what she did next was even cooler. When she saw that a prayer had been answered, she put a check mark beside it. As I read through her requests, I noticed that my family was mentioned several times. I was moved by the fact that she really did pray for us. Not that I ever thought she didn't, but SEEING it WRITTEN was so encouraging. I wanted badly to just stack the journal with the items we had set aside to keep, but knew that Carol must not have realized it was in there; I knew she would want it; what daughter wouldn't? I told her that I would love to make copies of some of the pages to keep. Nannie left an amazing legacy with her daughter, grandchildren, great-children and so many others. How cool will it be for Colt to SEE that his great grandmother prayed for him before he was born? How much cooler will it be for him to READ her prayer request in her own writing? It's things like that, that I want to do a better job of in 2011. I don't just want to leave an emotional or mental legacy for my kids, grand kids and so on. I want to leave them a legacy they can grasp and hold on to! I want to leave them with sweet thoughts and prayers to help remind them of how much they are loved, cherished, prayed for and thought of. I can think of very little else as encouraging as someone saying to me, either verbally or written, that they have thought of me or prayed for me. In general terms, it is profoundly encouraging to me, but when someone tells me they have thought of me or prayed for me concerning something specific, it just rocks my world with gratitude, humility and a desire to the same for someone else.
So many times, I think and/or pray for someone and I start to tell them, but don't because I either I don't know them that well and I'm afraid they might think I'm weird or it's someone I know really well and I am afraid they will think I am a fake. But, I'm done with that. I know how much it encourages me when I hear and/or read someone else's encouraging words to me. Furthermore, I'm tired of thinking and/or praying for someone and feeling like I can't share that with them for whatever reason. I'm convinced that the "reason" has to do with the enemy who doesn't want people to be encouraged or feel loved.
So, there you have it! If you ever think of and/or pray for me, I would LOVE to hear about it! And I will try to do the same for you.
Hoping your Christmas was merry and that 2011 is blessed!
Food Pix
1 year ago